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Politics Unfiltered
02-01-2016, 11:59 PM
Post: #3211
RE: Politics Unfiltered
He's still got a dogfight ahead of him, but he's in the game. And Trump's got Rubio breathing down his neck now too. Shit is about to get real.
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02-02-2016, 09:27 AM
Post: #3212
RE: Politics Unfiltered
Evangelicals come out and push Cruz to victory on two issues: ABORTION AND GAY MARRIAGE.

That's wonderful. Now I suspect we are going to hear more about those two issues from the other republicans going forward.

So Cruz follows fellow social conservatives Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum to victory in Iowa.

I'm so tired of Iowa. Is that really what white people left to their own devices become?

If I was black I'd rather be called a nigger than an evangelical. At least when someone calls you a nigger you know where they are coming from. But with "evangelical", what they are saying is that you are uneducated and that you respond well to simple words like "faith", "Jesus", and "Abortion".

The republican party is dead.
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02-02-2016, 10:45 AM
Post: #3213
RE: Politics Unfiltered
Damn Sal, you sounded kind of bitter there.

Why are libs still obsessed over two issues that have already been ruled on by the court? They put their ability to kill babies and have butt sex above everything else. It kinda reminds me of a dog that managed to grab a chicken leg that fell from the table, but it's afraid that someone is going to take it away so it takes it behind a chair and growls at anyone that comes near it.

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02-02-2016, 11:06 AM (This post was last modified: 02-02-2016 11:23 AM by salvador.)
Post: #3214
RE: Politics Unfiltered

There are 4 supreme court justices in their late 70s-early 80s. These will be huge issues this fall if Hillary is the nominee.

The demographics on these issues are clear as hell. Old white "social issues" voters are dying and being replaced by ethnically diverse 30-somethings. But the old machinery is still in place and so the Republicans cater to that old machinery because it still works in the primaries.
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02-02-2016, 12:56 PM
Post: #3215
RE: Politics Unfiltered
You haven't been paying close enough attention Sal. No matter who their nominee is, the GOP wins this election. The Dems aren't into Hillary enough to show up to the polls. In fact, my money is still on her not being the nominee.

Bernie can energize the millennial base, but that just means more facebook posts and probably won't lead to them actually going to the polls either. The center-to-right of the country are going to come out strong in November. The real election is happening now with the GOP nomination.

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02-02-2016, 01:22 PM
Post: #3216
RE: Politics Unfiltered
Hillary obliterates Cruz. He will get exactly zero moderate voters.

If Rubio is the republican nominee, take it to the bank that Hillary will carpet bomb the airwaves for MONTHS with his quote that the Constitution clearly protects the lives of the unborn - even in the case of rape or incest. Not to mention that his ad saying that ISIS hates us "because we let women drive and we send little girls to school" should disqualify him on principle.

The ONLY way the republicans lock this election down is with Trump, who in my opinion can't possibly lose because there are just as many angry working class whites in the democratic party as in the republican party. I'm not even a little bit excited about that, but it's the best we have. And if he starts losing primaries and starts talking tough on abortion, we're toast.

I almost want Cruz to be the nominee so the republicans can finally learn their lesson and knock this shit off. I'm just terrified that 4 years from now will be too late to fix our structural deficit.

We have Paul Ryan as speaker of the house now. I want a republican president to put that fucker on the spot. I want Ryan to prove that he is the real deal he's been claiming to be and that he is the guy who is finally going to propose politically tough votes on CUTTING MEDICARE and Military expenses. (Our debt and off balance sheet liabilities are way more of a security threat than ISIS.)

This should be the easiest election for the Republicans to win since 1980. And we have the house and senate and could actually get real structural change implemented (just like W. could have done if he wasn't such a piece of shit). The opportunity is right in front of us and instead of seizing it, we are going down this same god damn suicidal path of appeasing the freaky retarded bible beaters. It's almost too much to believe or endure.
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02-02-2016, 01:55 PM
Post: #3217
RE: Politics Unfiltered
Guys, forgive Sal. He's your typical angst-filled butthurt liberal offended by even the mere thought of God.

He's out of touch, and simply does not understand the direction the American people are headed in. He's brainwashed by the sound-bite media machine.

Nothing he has said here has come to pass, while I've been spot on. Just ignore his ranting. He hasn't got a clue.
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02-02-2016, 02:11 PM
Post: #3218
RE: Politics Unfiltered
Warlord, on one hand I hope you're right. I hope there are enough Americans who watch church on TV to put him over the top in a general election. I just don't think there are.

Obviously there are tons of TV preachers who drive $100K cars and still manage to convince people to send money so they can save kids in Africa. And those same people are obviously too stupid to understand that Cruz is condescending to them and so maybe they will be inspired to get out the vote. (I know, I know - the fact that he won Iowa by getting all the preachers on board and focusing all his ad dollars on abortion and gay marriage is irrelevant in the big picture - just like the fact that a Princeton/Harvard grad announcing his candidacy at Liberty University was a coincidence.)

As much as I hate Cruz, I do hope you are right because I hate Hillary more. I just don't see him as having a chance and, meanwhile, his victory last night forces the entire party farther right.

My biggest fear for America is that the Republican party isn't the party of grownups and fiscal conservatives but rather it's the party of Jesus and big spending. And maybe that is already so clear that even hoping for real fiscal prudence is insanity to begin with.
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02-02-2016, 03:31 PM
Post: #3219
RE: Politics Unfiltered
That's typical liberal bullshit, man. Cruz has run on immigration, national security, and tax reform. The only ones talking about abortion are people like you.

The idea that Cruz can't win the general is retarded. For every blue-collar democrat Trump pulls, he'll lose a conservative purist or evangelical. It'll be a wash, and in the end he'll still pull Romney-like numbers.

Cruz will pull moderates because he's running hard right on issues Americans have shifted right on. That would be issues like national security, immigration, obamacare and other entitlements, etc...

If you think Cruz or the American public will be dumb enough to let this turn into another shitass debate over supposed women's rights, you and your liberal friends have got another thing coming.
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02-02-2016, 04:10 PM
Post: #3220
RE: Politics Unfiltered
I really don't get this religion kick that you're on Sal. Cruz talks very seldom of religion, and it is far from a reason that non-libtards would support Hillary over him. The working class is done with the Dems. These last 7 years have not been kind to the middle class. Cruz speaks to them, just like most up for the GOP nomination. Hillary is so fucking tone deaf, that she doesn't realize how much people even in her own party loathe her.

The overwhelming majority of the country are in an "Anybody but..." state of mind with this election. If Hillary is the nominee, a large percentage of dems are going to stay home in November.

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